For developer's convenience we've been distributing a install-free bundle of Apache and PHP, also known as "Minpache". This bundle is intended to be compatible with most of the Win32 environments without any VC run-time complication.
For proper 64-bit integer support and updated SSL, a newer version of PHP is needed. Use the following steps to point to a newer PHP while keeping the original Minpache PHP intact:
1. download the binary; copy it to the modules folder
2. download the non-thread safe version of PHP 7.2 (64-bit) (32-bit); extract to c:\php7 (bonus: php_memcache.dll binaries)
3. modify conf/httpd.conf
#LoadModule php5_module "php5apache2_2.dll"
LoadModule fcgid_module modules/
FcgidInitialEnv PHPRC "c:/php7"
AddHandler fcgid-script .php
FcgidWrapper "c:/php7/php-cgi.exe" .php
FcgidMaxRequestLen 20971250
FcgidIOTimeout 240
Note that the default Fcgi request length has a limit of only 128K! In the above configuration, we set the max to 20MB.